24 November 2022 Social Expenditure Monitor for Arab States: launch of regional report Workshop UN House, Beirut
26-29 September 2022 Social Expenditure Monitor and macro-fiscal modelling: Jordan Workshop Amman, Jordan
11-12 May 2022 Social Expenditure Monitor of Egypt: a useful tool for budgeting and policy decisions Workshop UN House, Beirut
20 December 2021 The Social Expenditure Monitor of Tunisia in support of budgeting and fiscal policy reforms Workshop
28-30 November 2021 The Social Expenditure Monitor of Jordan for more effective budgeting and planning Workshop Amman, Jordan
28-30 September 2020 Social Expenditure Monitor of Jordan: Mapping data and Methodology Workshop Online, via Kudo
14-16 July 2020 Social Expenditure Monitor of Tunisia: Mapping Data and Methodology Workshop Online, through WebEx