As per international best practices for national accounts, supply and use tables are the perfect framework for improving the GDP inclusivity of statistics in all economic activities and ensuring the consistency of economic statistics, including for informal activities. They therefore contribute to monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals.
ESCWA supports its member States in building the statistical capacity of their national statistical offices. It provides technical assistance to national accounts teams in compiling and updating supply and use tables to improve the coverage of their national accounts and provide more analytical tools to policymakers.
Our approach
Our partners
ESCWA member States; United Nations Development Account; United National Statistics Division UNSD; IMF-METAC; AITRS; GCC-Stat
Our activities
ESCWA assistance includes training workshops, technical assistance missions (Egypt, Jordan, Mauritania, State of Palestine, Qatar and the Sudan), publications, information systems and IT tools. ESCWA also produces methodological guidelines and case studies.