21-22 July 2023 Rural development and gender empowerment Workshop Neffatia, Chorbane, Mahdia, Tunisia
6 July 2023 Role of blockchain in sustainable energy transition Workshop Notre Dame University, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon
7 December 2022 Microfinance and matchmaking to boost small-scale renewable energy in rural areas Expert Group Meeting
15 September 2022 Towards COP27: Arab Regional Forum on Climate Finance Forum United Nations House in Beirut, Lebanon
8 December 2021 Renewable energy, development and gender in rural areas: Tunisia Forum Mahdia, Tunisia
28-29 July 2021 Marketing through social media, and promoting productive activities using renewable energy - Akkar Workshop Akkar Atika, Akkar Governorate, Lebanon
26-27 July 2021 Marketing through social media, and promoting productive activities using renewable energy Workshop Chaqdouf, Akkar Governorate, Lebanon
5-6 July 2021 Capacity-Building Workshop on “Projects Design, Drafting Proposals, Feasibility Studies, and Managing Projects in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” Workshop Akkar Al-Atika, Lebanon
1-2 July 2021 Training workshop for rural women on "Food Manufacturing and Safety, and the Best Methods of Food Packaging and Preservation" Workshop Chaqdouf, Lebanon
28-29 June 2021 Training workshop for rural women on "Financial Management, Accounting, and the Economic Benefits of Access to Sustainable and Secure Energy" Workshop Chaqdouf, Akkar Governorate, Lebanon
21-22 June 2021 Capacity-Building workshop for rural women on "Financial Management, Accounting, and the Economic Benefits of Access to Sustainable & Secure Energy" Workshop Akkar Al-Atika, Lebanon
21-23 December 2020 Improving the yield and quality of fruit tree plantings and adopting water-saving irrigation techniques and renewable energy technologies for pumping, irrigation, and water desalination Workshop Chorbane, Tunisia
3 December 2020 Financing the Upscaling of Building Energy Efficiency Programs for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Development in the Arab Region Webinar Online