Regional solutions for transforming food systems


Food SystemsFood SystemsFood Systems


The Food Systems Summit was convened by the United Nations Secretary-General in New York in 2021 and launched a process to transform the way that the world produces and consumes food through integrated responses and an inclusive multi-stakeholder, community-based approach. In the Arab region, focus is placed on strengthening inclusive food systems in areas affected by conflict, environmental degradation, climate change and socioeconomic disruptions such as those caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on livelihoods, income, trade and transport logistics.

A series of supporting activities is being undertaken by ESCWA in collaboration with regional partners to foster a multi-stakeholder platform that supports transformative food systems that respect integrated natural resource management and to assist in the stocktaking process led by the Food Systems Coordination Hub to help countries review progress on national implementation of pledges made at the 2021 Food Systems Summit by:

  • Preparing regional assessments for informing transformative actions.
  • Convening inclusive multi-stakeholder regional dialogues.
  • Building capacity on means of implementation.
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