3-4 October 2022

Allocation of water resources for agriculture workshop

Water Allocation Workshop
  • Online

ESCWA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, in collaboration with the High-Level Joint Water-Agriculture Technical Committee, the technical arm of the Joint Water-Agriculture Ministerial Council of the League of Arab States, are organizing a virtual workshop to raise stakeholders' awareness on approaches and tools to improve the allocation of water resources to support food security in the Arab region.

The workshop promotes the Guidelines for Improved Water Allocation for Agriculture, which were endorsed by the ministers of water and agriculture during the second Joint Ministerial Meeting. The guidelines aim to provide guidance to water and agriculture decision makers and planners in Arab countries for sustainably managing water resources in the agriculture sector.

The sessions of the workshop bring together experts from national and regional organizations in the Arab region for review and discussion, along with international experts in fields related to water resources and agriculture.

Outcome document

  • Importance of discussing the status and future of water allocation for agriculture within the context of water scarcity in the Arab region to develop integrated and harmonious strategies that aim to achieve SDG6
  • Shedding light on lessons learned from international experiences on water allocation and presenting tools to improve water allocation processes
  • Country teams to prepare by year end implementation plans for pilot projects through which the guiding principles are applied to set an example for other countries to follow
  • Regional organizations to continue providing support to Arab countries to improve water allocation in agriculture
  • Reviewing progress made in project implementation during the fourth meeting of the High-Level Joint Committee on Water and Agriculture that will be held on 18 October 2022 during the 2022 Cairo Water week.

Review of resolutions of the second joint ministerial meeting held in January 2022, of which the adoption of the guidelines for improving water allocation for agriculture in the Arab region. Country representatives were informed of developments in the process of implementing the voluntary guidelines on water allocation for agriculture at the pilot level in each From Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Palestine.

The four countries that expressed interest into voluntarily applying the guidelines (Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, and Palestine) presented challenges and constraints specific to each of those countries and briefed on progress made into applying the Guidelines on improved water allocation for agriculture in selected pilot areas.

Review of RICCAR outputs that are available on the data portal of the RICCAR Regional Knowledge Hub. Focus was placed on the use this data to assess the impact of climate change on the water and agricultural sectors and implement climate change adaptation and mitigation programs at the national and regional levels. Reference was also made to results of assessments studies on impact of climate change on the available water and the productivity of agricultural crops in the Arab region. Some international experiences in this field were also presented from China, Jordan, Spain and Egypt, and the lessons learned from these experiences were also highlighted, while discussing the possibility of applying these experiences in various Arab countries.

This session was dedicated to building knowledge on the necessary requirements for the application of the Guidelines on Improved Water Allocation for Agriculture, reviewing various tools needed such as Water Accounting and Water System Modelling (IHE), Remote sensing technologies for water productivity: Crop mapping using the WAPOR platform (FAO) and the institutional, financial, and legal frameworks for the implementation of Water Allocation.

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