23-26 May 2022
Expert Group Meeting

The Arab ICT Strategy/Arab Digital Agenda and national digital development reviews

  • Hybrid, Cairo
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ESCWA, in cooperation with the League of Arab States, is organizing a regional expert meeting on the Arab ICT Strategy/Arab Digital Agenda and the National Digital Development Reviews: Linkages, Progress and Lessons Learnt (mid-stage meeting). The meeting is an opportunity for partnering countries and organizations to review the progress made and the latest developments in the field, to benefit from lessons learned, and to accelerate the completion of national digital development reports. 

The meeting covers three main focus areas:

  1. The interrelationship between the Arab Digital Agenda, national digital development reports and the Arab Digital Development Report for 2022, so that the reports’ data constitute the baseline for measuring the implementation of the Arab Digital Agenda. Some related activities are being presented, including the Interactive Smart Online Platform and the Digital Development Maturity Measurement Model;
  2. Follow up on progress on the national digital development reports, lessons learned and the exchange of experiences among the countries joining the project, which are commitment to producing reports by June 2022;
  3. Details of the third draft of the Arab Digital Agenda in preparation for the finalization of the semi-final draft, which is due to be presented to the Permanent Committee and the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Communications Ministers before September 2022. The final draft is due to be submitted to the Council of Arab Communications Ministers in November - December 2022 for approval.

Outcome document

The full version of the final report was uploaded to the system. 

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