22 June 2022

Beirut time


ESCWA, UNEP and UNSD: advancing SDG indicators 12.4.1, 12.4.2 and 15.9.1b

  • Virtual

Series of webinars on Sustainable Development Goal indicators

ESCWA, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) organized a series of webinars on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators 12.4.1, 12.4.2 and 15.9.1b, which are less produced in the Arab region. The event comes as part of the second wave of series of SDG webinars.

The main objectives of the regional training are:

• Synchronizing the collection, measurement and dissemination of data on SDG indicators among data producers

• Improving understanding of metadata and the nature of data in the United Nations Statistics Division SDG database

• Enhancing statistical capacities for the production and use of comparable data on SDG indicators

• Strengthening inter-institutional coordination to invigorate production of data on SDG indicators

• Knowledge-sharing and discussing country-specific challenges in measuring SDG indicators

Outcome document

The full version of the final report was uploaded to the system.


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