4-6 July 2023

International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes in the Arab region

  • Tunis- Tunisia
Contact information

The International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, is the international statistical standard for data collection on criminal offences. It aims to enhance the consistency and international comparability of crime statistics and improve analytical capabilities at both the national and international levels.

Within this context, ESCWA, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics, in cooperation with the Tunisian National Institute of Statistics, are organizing a regional training on the implementation of the ICCS in the Arab region. The workshop aims to introduce participants from National Statistical Offices and law enforcement or criminal justice institutions to the ICCS, its main use and strengths, in addition to the challenges for its implementation.

Outcome document

The full version of the final report will be uploaded soon.

Event details

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