22 October 2020

Second training on using SDMX for SDG data reporting

  • Virtual

ESCWA and the United Nations Statistical Division jointly organized the second virtual workshop on the use of the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) standard for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) data reporting. The one day workshop was attended by 24 participants from10  Arab countries, bringing together statisticians and information technology specialists from national statistical offices in the Arab region. This event is part of the SDMX training series.

The workshop is part of a series and follows the first workshop held in June 2020. The aim is to further enhance countries’ capacities to exchange national data within countries and between national offices and international organizations.
The second workshop provided further training in data modelling using the SDMX standards and the SDMX converter tool. Participants were also informed about the open SDG lab project.

Tutorial video available here

Day 1 recording

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