The Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue provides a platform for a broad and inclusive range of Libyan stakeholders to jointly formulate a long-term vision for the socioeconomic development of Libya.
The project aims to build knowledge and ownership, and facilitate dialogue and stakeholder engagement around socioeconomic development and good public governance, to pave the way for stable and sustainable growth in Libya and prevent relapse into conflict. The project is divided into the following four intervention areas: normative, participatory, validation and outreach, and technical cooperation and capacity development.
Our approach
The first intervention area was implemented in 2018 and 2019, and included three studies on the economy, society and governance in Libya. The second intervention area entailed launching the dialogue series and preparing the first draft of the vision. The third intervention area covered the launch and completion of validation activities.
Our partners
Libyan experts and stakeholders from all backgrounds
Our activities
Three baseline studies on the Libyan economy, society and institutions:
- Libyan economy An Introductory Study on the Status, Challenges and Prospects of the Libyan Economy Part I of a Baseline Study for the Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project
- Libyan institutions: An Introductory Study on the Status, Challenges and Prospects of Governance and Institutions in Libya Part III of a Baseline Study for the Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project
- Libyan society An Introductory Study on the Status, Challenges and Prospects of the Libyan Society Part II of a Baseline Study for the Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project One integrated study: Towards a Libyan vision (not published yet)
Three peer review and international best practices studies: (not published yet)
- Libyan Economy: International Best Practices and Lessons Learnt in Post-Conflict Transition
- Libyan institutions: Review of “institutionality and governance in Libya: challenges of conflict phase” and
- Libyan Society Case Studies: Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project Social Pillar, Peer Review
Four thematic meetings
Advisory Board meetings
Research papers and regular analytical notes highlighting specific topics relevant to the Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue.
Eight dialogue sessions 30 expert working group meetings Eight Microsoft forms surveys
Two validation meetings The socioeconomic vision for Libya (to be published by February 2021)
Eight strategic policy options (to be published by February 2021) Website for Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue