ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL2.GPID/2020/TP.25
Country: Arab region
Publication Type: Information material
Cluster: Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development
Focus Area: Financing for development, Gender equality
Initiatives: Women’s rights and gender mainstreaming
SDGs: Agenda 2030
Keywords: Arab countries, Gender mainstreaming, Public institutions
Action plan on gender equality and women’s empowerment within national institutions: Technical notes (Second Edition)
January 2021
This publication, in its second version, provides necessary technical information and guidance on the implementation of an accountability framework for mainstreaming gender equality in the organizational practices, policies and programmes of national institutions. The proposed framework targets national institutions in the Arab countries. It seeks to measure and drive progress towards fifteen performances indicators that revolve around six elements relevant to the work of these institutions namely accountability; results-based management; oversight; human and financial resources; capacity; and coherence and knowledge and information management.
This publication provides new examples on the work of national women machineries, reflecting the progress made in the work of these machineries in several Arab countries in the field of gender equality and women empowerment. These examples tackle their processes, procedures, systems and internal regulations in recent years.
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Financing for development
, Gender equality
This publication, in its second version, provides necessary technical information and guidance on the implementation of an accountability framework for mainstreaming gender equality in the organizational practices, policies and programmes of national institutions. The proposed framework targets national institutions in the Arab countries. It seeks to measure and drive progress towards fifteen performances indicators that revolve around six elements relevant to the work of these institutions namely accountability; results-based management; oversight; human and financial resources; capacity; and coherence and knowledge and information management.
This publication provides new examples on the work of national women machineries, reflecting the progress made in the work of these machineries in several Arab countries in the field of gender equality and women empowerment. These examples tackle their processes, procedures, systems and internal regulations in recent years.