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ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/OES/2007/1

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Flagship publications

Publication Subject: ESCWA Annual Report

Cluster: Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability, Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development, Shared Economic Prosperity, Statistics, Information Society and Technology, 2030 Agenda and SDG Coordination, Governance and Conflict Prevention

Focus Area: Financing for development, Gender equality, Inclusive development, Natural resource sustainability, Resilient development & conflict prevention, Statistics, Technology & innovation

Initiatives: Development challenges

SDGs: Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Keywords: Activities, Administrative procedure, Arab countries, Broadband, Communication technology, Drinking water, Economic development, Globalization, Information services, Information technology, Population, Regional cooperation, Sanitation, Serial publications, Women in politics, Social development, Sanitation services, Freshwater, Sustainable development

ESCWA Annual Report, 2006

January 2007

The ESCWA Annual Report reviews the activities of the Commission in 2006, which were severely affected by the devastating war of aggression that was unleashed against Lebanon in that year. Despite the disruption caused by the war and its aftermath, the Commission has continued to efficiently deliver its services to member countries and was able to implement its work programme, realizing various achievements that have contributed to development efforts in the region and, in particular, reconstruction efforts in Lebanon. The report outlines the most significant developments and achievements of ESCWA in 2006 and includes a review of intergovernmental and advisory meetings, foremost among which was the twenty-fourth ESCWA session, a summary of development-related publications and an overview of sustainable development projects that aim to reduce the causes and consequences of conflict.

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Financing for development , Gender equality , Inclusive development , Natural resource sustainability , Resilient development & conflict prevention , Statistics , Technology & innovation ,
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