

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/SCU/2007/Technical Paper.2

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: 2030 Agenda, Statistics

Initiatives: Development challenges

SDGs: Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 2: Zero Hunger, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Keywords: Arab countries, Development aspects, Health conditions, Statistical data, Aids, Hunger, Child mortality, Malaria, Maternal health services, Poverty

Health and millennium development goals in the ESCWA region

January 2007

This technical paper on Health and MDGs represents one of the concerted efforts of the Statistics Division at ESCWA to provide evidence-based regional information on its member countries in the health sector. It recognizes the contribution made by each country to attain the MDGs in fulfilling their promises to the Declaration. In such a diverse region as ESCWA, attention is to be directed at the most critical areas in order to raise awareness for support and policy-intervention.

Analysis of each health-related indicator is presented under each part with related charts. Accomplishments and limitations have been analyzed by country, where data are available. Disaggregated data on gender and rural – urban communities have been included in the analysis. The charts present both the accomplishments of the early 1990s and mid-2000s and the likelihood of reaching the targets by 2015.


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