
Persons with disabilities in Lebanon: a situational analysis to develop a national strategy

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL2.GPID/2021/TC.3

Country: Lebanese Republic

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Cluster: Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development

Focus Area: Gender equality, Inclusive development, Population dynamics & migration

Initiatives: Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities, Including persons with disabilities in the labour market

SDGs: Goal 5: Gender Equality, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Keywords: Persons with disabilities, Human rights, Lebanon, Quality of life, Economic, social and cultural rights, Urban planning, Laws and regulations, Employment, Physical infrastructure, Social security, Civil and political rights, Public institutions, Access to information, Special education, Students with disabilities

Persons with disabilities in Lebanon: a situational analysis to develop a national strategy

July 2023

With the current deteriorating health, economic and social conditions in Lebanon, persons with disabilities are more at risk than ever before, particularly children, women and older persons. Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs of Lebanon seeks to develop a national strategy on disability for the first time, through a consultative, participatory and methodological process, in cooperation with all key actors, including persons with disabilities and their representative organizations.

The present report highlights the efforts of the Ministry to develop the national strategy based on a situational analysis of disability in Lebanon taking into account legislative and institutional frameworks; the current system for disability assessment and identification; key actors with their roles and responsibilities; and the pressing challenges and available opportunities. The report addresses services, rights and resources related to persons with disabilities, as well as the challenges and barriers they face in Lebanon. It provides a set of recommendations based on the socio-environmental model that involves providing an enabling environment; ensuring the quality of services; enhancing the demand for services; and providing high-quality evidence and data for decision-making. In this context, the development of a national strategy on disability will contribute to improving the situation of persons with disabilities and upgrading their quality of life in Lebanon.

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