

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.5/Add.2

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Cluster: Governance and Conflict Prevention

Focus Area: Governance & enabling environment, Resilient development & conflict prevention

Initiatives: Governance and institution building

SDGs: Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Keywords: Arab countries, Performance appraisal, Programme planning, Project management, Training programmes, Performance appraisal, Waste treatment, Governance

Project planning and performance management: Participant’s file

January 2010

This document includes the themes addressed by the training workshop entitled "Project Planning and Performance Management". The first day developed the topic of modern methodology in project management as well as the topic of project model, key project stages and project planning. The second day included the feasibility study of projects as well as the components of project management and control. The third day focused on measurement and its importance in the development of institutional performance as well as measurement methods and the implementation of performance indicators and a practical example of institutional performance management.

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Governance & enabling environment , Resilient development & conflict prevention ,
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