

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/SDPD/2007/WP.3

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Working papers

Cluster: 2030 Agenda and SDG Coordination

Focus Area: Natural resource sustainability

Initiatives: Sustainable urban development

SDGs: Goal 2: Zero Hunger, Goal 12: Responsible Production and Consumption, Goal 15: Life On Land

Keywords: Agriculture, Arab countries, Conferences, Desertification, Drought, Land, Regional cooperation, Rural development

Report of the regional implementation meeting of the economic and social commission for western Asia

January 2007

This report reviews the progress achieved in the implementation of obligations and objectives at the regional level relevant to five clusters, namely agriculture, rural development, land, drought and desertification. It also assesses the challenges and constraints facing the Arab region in the implementation of those objectives and sheds light on possible actions in priority areas for the next stage.

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