
Women Syrian refugees in Jordan: Social, Legal, and Developmental Needs

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL2.GPID/2020/INF.7

Country: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development

Focus Area: Gender equality

Initiatives: Women’s rights and gender mainstreaming

SDGs: Goal 5: Gender Equality

Keywords: Gender equality, Refugees, Social conditions, Women refugees, Women's status

Women Syrian refugees in Jordan: social, legal, and developmental needs

August 2021

This paper is part of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission of West Asia’s efforts to empower women Syrian refugees in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. Through focus group discussions with 73 Jordanian women and 72 women Syrian refugees between the ages of 18 and 45, the most prominent needs of vulnerable Jordanian women and Syrian refugees in Jordan were conveyed. Focus group participants stressed the urgency of meeting development needs, especially in issues of poverty reduction, unemployment, health, and education, as they are the main tools for promoting development and social justice. The legal status of Syrian refugees was also raised during the discussions. In addition, women cited challenges of gender-based violence and a lack of women’s political participation. The discussions show that Syrian women refugees were influenced by Jordanian women to prioritize their needs and address their problems.

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