Conference Services

Inclusive sustainable development can only be achieved when high-quality knowledge and information reach recipients in their own language, through well-targeted, accessible and visible meetings and content.

High level meeting at ESCWA attended by the Lebanese President
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ESCWA Regional Operational Services
Regional Operational Services portal

Note that UN Secretariat clients can find additional information through iSeek.

Language and conference professionals at the United Nations are part of a global project aimed at uniting people in both their strengths and weaknesses, so as to build a better world.

They are responsible for adapting individual messages to a global diversified audience, upholding a system of universal values, and disseminating a missive of peace and solidarity.

Language professionals embody the power of languages, which they place at the service of a multilateral organization with the convening power to ensure that sustainable development and social justice remain a collective endeavour. Multilingualism is not only a means of communication but an end in itself, and the bedrock of diversity, tolerance, human rights and dialogue.

Our services

  • Interactive meeting spaces, practice and learning zones, with latest technologies
  • Branding
  • Organization and servicing
  • Précis-writing
  • Interpretation
  • Substantive and linguistic editing of content
  • Translation from and into Arabic, English and French
  • Bibliographical and content validation
  • Copywriting
  • Layout and design
  • Presentation and animation
  • Branding for visibility
  • E-publishing for accessibility
  • Web-based platform for outreach
  • Infographics
  • Promotional material
  • Printing (offset and digital)

Our activities

ESCWA, through its Conference Management Section (CMS), is actively involved in the Outreach programme of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management that targets universities and other institutions involved in the training of language professionals. Learn more
  • Information literacy
  • Research techniques
  • Dissemination techniques
  • Writing for the web
  • Specialized language functions
  • Correspondence writing

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