29-30 May 2024
Expert Group Meeting

Arab Land Initiative: achievements, vision and the new phase

  • League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt
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The Arab Land Initiative's reference group meeting is bringing together key stakeholders to review achievements in land governance across the Arab region. It is aimed at discussing emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities, and sharing highlights from previous years. The meeting focuses on consolidating a vision for the future, planning key streams of work, and exploring new collaborations. It seeks to strengthen regional cooperation and set the stage for advancing sustainable land governance in the Arab region.

Outcome document

The Arab Land Initiative's Reference Group Meeting emphasized the need for enhanced regional cooperation and tailored approaches to address diverse land governance challenges in the Arab region. Key recommendations included prioritizing women's land rights, strengthening land administration systems, and integrating land governance into climate action and food security strategies. The meeting underscored the importance of collaboration between national and regional actors, the need for continued capacity building, and the development of innovative land policies. Participants also highlighted the necessity of sustained financial and technical support to ensure the Initiative's impact at both regional and national levels.

During the Arab Land Initiative’s Reference Group Meeting, several critical issues and discussions emerged. Participants analyzed the current state of land governance, highlighting trends such as technological advancements and the need for more cohesive policies. They identified challenges like fragmented land administration systems and inadequate tenure security, while recognizing opportunities for improvement through regional cooperation and digital tools. Achievements were reviewed, including increased visibility of land issues and successful coordination among stakeholders. Future planning emphasized a unified vision for equitable land access and integration with broader sustainable development goals. Discussions on collaboration focused on enhancing regional partnerships and expanding networks, with strategic preparations for the 3rd Arab Land Conference. Knowledge and capacity development were prioritized, with a call for continued research and joint training initiatives. The meeting also addressed country-level impacts, showcasing initiatives in Lebanon and Jordan and discussing how regional support can catalyze national efforts. Priority themes included women's land rights, food security, climate action, conflict resolution, and sustainable urbanization. Finally, the Theory of Change and the draft Terms of Reference for the Reference Group were reviewed, leading to actionable steps for implementation and ongoing stakeholder engagement.


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