5-6 October 2021

Social Justice Policy Gap Assessment Tool (PGAT) in Sudan

  • Khartoum, Sudan

The Social Justice Team/Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development Cluster at the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), in close cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development in Sudan, is organizing a national capacity-building workshop on the use of the “Social Justice Policy Gap Assessment Tool (PGAT) for Mainstreaming the Principles of Social Justice in Public Policies and Programs” in Khartoum, Sudan, on 5 and 6 October 2021.

The workshop is implemented within the framework of ESCWA’s technical support to the Ministry of Social Development in Sudan for 2021, which included a series of training workshops targeting a group of experts and government officials from the Ministry and other line ministries and government bodies concerned with issues of social development, equality, youth, partnership and social dialogue.

The workshop aims to present the PGAT and its elements and clarify the procedures and practical steps associated with the assessment at the planning and implementation levels, and to guide stakeholders on how to use the tool and draw conclusions. In practice, the workshop will focus on one of the priority social policies in Sudan, namely the policy on “the economic empowerment of women” and will assess the extent to which  it complies with the principles of social justice. This process will provide participants with the opportunity to build consensus on a detailed plan of action to close the gaps identified by the assessment, improve the selected policy and monitor progress over time.

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