
28 Mar 2024

Third national Steering Committee convened on the “Resilient Water Solutions Against Climate Change” project in Lebanon

Photo from the event

Under the “Resilient Water Solutions Against Climate Change in Jordan and Lebanon” project led by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) in partnership with ESCWA and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the third national Steering Committee meeting in Lebanon convened at the UN House in Beirut.
The meeting, held on 19 March, gathered representatives from Lebanese ministries and UN agencies, along with local experts and project coordinators, to discuss water-related climate adaptation measures in Lebanon. Participants discussed the project’s workplan, current progress, achievements and upcoming steps.
The project aims to provide replicable and innovative measures to promote climate change resilience and adaptation in the Arab region, with a focus on promoting climate change and gender-mainstreamed urban planning in areas facing extreme weather events.

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