
Climate Resilient Agriculture: Translating Data to Policy Actions

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/SDPD/2019/CP

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability

Focus Area: Climate change, Natural resource sustainability

Initiatives: Arab Centre for Climate Change Policies, Promoting food and water security, Advancing water and food security

SDGs: Goal 13: Climate Action

Keywords: Agricultural production, Arab countries, Arid zones, Climate change, Crops, Food security, Irrigation, Rain, Carbon dioxide

Climate Resilient Agriculture: Translating Data to Policy Actions

January 2019

In follow up to the preparation of nine national assessment reports on the impact of changing water availability on agricultural production, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) has prepared nine policy briefs providing information on the general background of the assessment, the main findings of the AquaCrop simulation undertaken and a variety of proposed country-specific recommendations on adaptation measures in the agricultural sector. Action oriented institutional, policy and financial arrangements, knowledge generation, and capacity development recommendations were proposed for selected rainfed and irrigated crops in each of the nine countries.

Assessing the impacts of changing water availability on agricultural production in selected Arab countries

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