11 March 2021

Beirut time


Regional Workshop on the Experience of Undertaking a Population and Housing Census Based on Administrative Records in the Sultanate of Oman

  • Online

Within the framework of the 2020 round of population and housing censuses, ESCWA, in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund Regional Office, the United Nations Statistics Division, the Arab Institute for Training and Statistical Research and Arab statistical agencies, organized a series of meetings and workshops on the methodologies and methods used in conducting population censuses, including multi-source methods, and the approach based on administrative records, in addition to the use of modern technology in all stages of the census, the transfer of acquired experiences to countries planning to conduct population and housing censuses, and the creation of alternative methods in countries where conducting censuses is faltering. ESCWA has also published methodological studies available from the outcomes of the aforementioned meetings on methodologies for conducting censuses using multiple sources, administrative records, publishing data using new methods, and methods of collecting census data using self-enumeration.

On the Arab level and despite the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Sultanate of Oman conducted in 2020 a census using administrative records data and it is considered the first comprehensive experience of an integrated census fully based on administrative records data, noting that the Kingdom of Bahrain conducted a census in the 2010 round that is partly based on records and partly on the traditional methodology (face-to-face).

In this context, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), in cooperation with the National Centre for Statistics and Information in the Sultanate of Oman, organized a regional virtual workshop on the Sultanate of Oman’s experience of undertaking a population and housing census based on administrative records.

All related documents and presentations can be found on the Arabic link of the webpage.

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