12 July 2021

Beirut time


South-South Cooperation for More Inclusive and Sustainable Social Protection Systems

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HLPF Side Event on South-South Cooperation for More Inclusive and Sustainable Social Protection Systems in the COVID-19 Recovery and Achievement of the 2030 Agenda

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Since the COVID-19 outbreak, global solidarity has emerged as a necessary antidote. Countries have emphasized the need to work and learn jointly to overcome this crisis sustainably and ensure that recovery efforts set us on track to achieve the SDGs and leave no one behind. The multi-faceted impacts of COVID-19 have made an inclusive and sustainable social protection system a necessity in the COVID and post-COVID eras, particularly for already vulnerable groups. Efforts to revamp social protection systems across regions need to be complemented by a political discussion in order to provide impetus for strengthened and institutionalized exchange of knowledge and expertise among countries in this area. South-South cooperation, as a complement to North-South cooperation, provides a promising framework as one of the effective models of development cooperation, particularly in the Arab region.

This side event is co-organized by UNOSSC and ESCWA on the margins of the 2021 session of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). Its objective is to discuss:

  • the potential of intra and inter-regional South-South cooperation in advancing more inclusive and sustainable social protection systems in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis and during the Decade of Action; and
  • social protection in the Arab region as a structural entry point for poverty alleviation, reduction of inequality, and building resilience of individuals and societies.

Participation is by registration. Live interpretation will be available (Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish). For more details and the agenda, please refer to the flyer.

Ø Link to the page of the side event on the HLPF website.

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