
Technical booklet: small-scale food processing - fruits, vegetables and dairy products (Arabic)

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL1.CCS/2021/BOOKLET.2

Country: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Lebanese Republic, State of Palestine

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability

Focus Area: Climate change, Natural resource sustainability

Initiatives: Enhancing resilience and sustainability of agriculture

SDGs: Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Keywords: Agriculture, Food processing, Fruit juices, Dairy products, Sustainable agriculture, Dairy industry, Fruit industry, Vegetables, Manuals

Technical booklet: Small-scale food processing - fruits, vegetables and dairy products

February 2022

ESCWA has developed this technical booklet on small-scale food processing - fruits, vegetables and dairy products, through the United Nations’ Development Account project on “Enhancing resilience and sustainability of agriculture in the Arab region”, which aims at strengthening national capacities to address the resilience and sustainability of the agricultural sector in the region, targeting three Arab countries, namely Jordan, Lebanon and the State of Palestine.

Small-scale food processing for fruits, vegetables and the dairy products allows for the preservation of food for a longer period of time and contributes to the reduction of food post-harvest losses and food waste while generating employment opportunities and income for local and rural communities.

In addition to this technical booklet, ESCWA has prepared training materials on small-scale food processing and associated green practices, which were delivered during national training workshops carried out in the three target countries of the project. ESCWA has also developed four similar technical booklets on other green agricultural technologies: green fertilizers, rainwater harvesting, solar dryers, and food bio-conservation.

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Climate change , Natural resource sustainability ,
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