During this session, ACENF presented a step-by-step methodology for developing national action plans to advance the circular economy. This approach emphasizes close collaboration with governments to assess current sectors, prioritize key areas, set clear goals, and develop governance and financial frameworks. These elements are validated through stakeholder engagement to ensure inclusivity and shared ownership.
The RSS intervention highlighted Jordan's initiative to develop a national circular economy roadmap aimed at fostering a nationwide transition. The process includes phases such as stakeholder identification and engagement, national baseline assessment, strategy formulation, and the development of quantitative indicators for implementation. The roadmap also addresses legal, cultural, and technical aspects and incorporates key components such as sustainable product design, responsible sourcing of materials, and systems for resource recovery and reuse.
Expertise France's intervention focused on key EU Green Deal directives and strategies, including the Farm to Fork Directive, the Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, and CBAM, all of which are relevant to the region's green and circular transition. They shared insights from a regional assessment conducted across five Arab countries (Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, and Libya), highlighting how the Green Forward Program could support each country’s unique transition needs.
The Circular Packaging Association presented a case study from the UAE on a proof-of-concept pilot for circular economy in packaging and its translation into policy. In collaboration with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment and the Abu Dhabi Agency, they conducted an evidence-based study to assess the barriers and enablers of the circular economy for packaging, focusing on waste management, recycling, and the economic dynamics of waste materials. The study revealed the monetization potential in recovering clean, segregated plastic materials and included an environmental impact assessment that emphasized emissions reduction and resource savings. Twelve of the 22 policies adopted by the UAE Circular Economy Council stemmed from this study. This council, chaired by the Ministry of Economy and including key stakeholders from both public and private sectors, serves as a successful public-private platform for advancing the circular economy in the UAE.
At the end of the session, participants collaborated to propose recommendations for: 1) driving the transition to a circular economy in the agriculture and water sectors at the national level in their respective countries, and 2) prioritizing actions over the next two years to advance circular economy practices in these sectors. The resulting recommendations, which can be found in the Outcome section, cover several key areas, including policy frameworks, action plans and strategies, capacity building and awareness raising, technological innovations, data and standards, regional and international cooperation, as well as incentives and financing.